This Apple iPhone 12 Pro in Gold color comes with 128 GB storage capacity and is locked to AT&T network. It features a 6.1 inch screen size and a Hexa Core processor, powered by iOS operating system. The phone has a Dual SIM (SIM + eSIM) slot and supports Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC, and GPS connectivity. With its sleek design and high-quality camera, this phone is perfect for anyone looking for a top-of-the-line smartphone. The phone also has 6 GB of RAM and is equipped with a 128 GB storage capacity, ensuring that you have plenty of space for all your apps and files. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to own an Apple iPhone 12 Pro! Small scratches on front as seen in pictures, not compromising the screen. Small scuff on back near logo on back as seen in pictures. Works great, I just got a new phone and didn’t trade in on time. Camera works great. Battery life is 78%. Phone is ready to use.